St Johns School Litter Pick - Years 2, 3 & 4
in the Gallery
More than 90 children from St Johns School took part in a litter pick around the village. Items such as a scooter, wheel, soda…
Investing in Children, Investing in the Future!
More than 90 children from St Johns School took part in a litter pick around the village. Items such as a scooter, wheel, soda…
More than 90 children from St Johns School took part in a litter pick around the village. Items such as a scooter, wheel, soda…
More than 90 children from St Johns School took part in a litter pick around the village. Items such as a scooter, wheel, soda…
The Reception had a busy afternoon picking up litter in the school grounds. A big thank you to Bill Dale from Beach Buddies who…
Year 2 & 3s were invited to take part in the Island Tag Rugby Festival at the NSC. St Johns entered 3 teams. It was a very busy…
Isle of Man Dress Up as an Animal Day raising funds for the ManxSPCA
Anna from Manx Birdlife visited Year 1 to teach the children about birds. We took part in the Great Schools Birds Watch and spo…
Learning in the Special Provision Centre at St Johns School.
Jen and Perkin the Porpoise from the Manx Whale and Dolphin Watch are regular visitors to St Johns School. After a recent visit…