Eco-Club Deliver Some Important Messages
in the Gallery
Year 4 Eco-Club members have made posters to share some very important Eco messages to remind us all about reducing waste and s…
Investing in Children, Investing in the Future!
Year 4 Eco-Club members have made posters to share some very important Eco messages to remind us all about reducing waste and s…
Year 4 did an amazing job of telling everyone at St Johns School all about Fair Trade and the importance of buying Fair Trade p…
Dr Litman from Peel Cathedral giving a singing lesson at St Johns School.
St Johns School celebrated World Book Day with a book exchange to swap an old book for a new one! We also organised two session…
Year 5/6 enjoying their first session with Adrian from Young Engineers. They were tasked with making a Space Craft using gears…
St Johns School celebrated World Book Day with a book exchange to swap an old book for a new one! We also organised two session…
More than 90 children from St Johns School took part in a litter pick around the village. Items such as a scooter, wheel, soda…
More than 90 children from St Johns School took part in a litter pick around the village. Items such as a scooter, wheel, soda…
More than 90 children from St Johns School took part in a litter pick around the village. Items such as a scooter, wheel, soda…