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Investing in Children, Investing in the Future!
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St Johns School Accessibility Statement St Johns School is located on Station Road in St Johns. Travelling along the main A1 road from Douglas to Peel – once through the traffic lights at Ballacraine, continue to the centre of the village and take a left turn down Station Road. The main drive way t…
Late Arrivals The late arrival of children causes unnecessary disruption to the classes and creates difficulties with regard to registration and dinners. The school bell rings at 8:50 am and registration is at 9:00 am. Please note that children arriving late will be given a ’late mark’ and parents…
Assessment Data 2022/23 Assessment Data 2022/23 Assessment Data 2020/21 Assessment Data 2018/19
Information and guidance for parents Managing Screen Time Warning about MONKEY Smart Phone Safety Online Safety Parental Control Settings Social Media & Privacy 10 Online Safety Tips St Johns Digital Safeguarding (e-Safety Policy) …
School Meals: School meals cost £2.35 per day / £11.75 per week. This can be paid in advance online using ParentPay (details available from the school administrator). If you wish to start or cancel school meals you must give a weeks notice in writing to the school administrator. School Meals - Autu…
St Johns School Policies Acceptable Use (ICT) Acceptable Use 2019 Anti Bullying Policy Anti Bullying Policy 2021 Behaviour Policy Behaviour Policy 2021 Charging Policy Charging Policy 2021 Child Protection Policy …
Medicine In line with Department policy, medicines will not routinely be administered by staff unless the pupil has a chronic condition ie. epilepsy or diabetes. However, if it is necessary for a child to receive medication during the school day for a short term condition or allergy, parents are we…
PSHE and RSE at St Johns School PSHE stands for personal, social, health and economic education. RSE stands for relationship and sex education. Purpose PSHE education helps give children and young people the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent li…
The School Day 08:50 Doors open, first bell rings and children can go into class. 09:00 Register taken, second bell rings, side doors are closed. Children who arrive at school after 09:00 must enter through the main door at the front of school and register with the school administrator. 10:35 - 10:…
DESC Isle of Man Swimming Guidelines Children in Years 3 - 6 have swimming lessons once a week at Western Swimming Pool in Peel during the Autumn and Spring Terms. Swimwear Boys must wear ‘traditional’ swimming trunks or other ASA approved suits. Other styles can trap air, which makes swimming and…
School Holiday Dates 2024/26
Please make sure all your child’s uniform and PE kit is named. St Johns School Uniform: royal blue sweatshirt royal blue jumper or cardigan yellow polo shirt black / dark blue / grey skirt or pinafore or black / grey or dark blue trousers black shoes (not trainers) Summer Uniform (optional): blue o…
Validation Report