St Johns School

Investing in Children, Investing in the Future!

St Johns School Accessibility Statement

St Johns School is located on Station Road in St Johns.

Travelling along the main A1 road from Douglas to Peel – once through the traffic lights at Ballacraine, continue to the centre of the village and take a left turn down Station Road.

The main drive way to the school is on the left-hand side and leads into the school car park.

There are regular buses to the area and a bus stop is located on Station Road.

The school is situated on its own site enjoying ample space including outside teaching spaces, playground areas and a large field. There is a private nursery within the building and a Youth wing which is used by several external clubs and organisations.

The school site can be accessed on foot following a pedestrian pathway to the main entrance.

All classrooms can be accessed by external classroom doors. The site is fully accessible to wheelchair users.

There is a car park that includes a drop off zone and Blue Badge parking spaces.


Pupils who attend our Specialist Provision Centre (SPC) are able to access their learning space through the ‘Flamingo Room’ entrance.

There is one general disabled toilet located in the entrance area

There are accessible toilets within our Specialist Provision Centre and also withing the Youth Block at the rear of the school.

Accessibility Plan

Schools are required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for children with disabilities under the Isle of Man Equality Act 2017, to alleviate any substantial disadvantage that a disabled child faces in comparison to non-disabled children. This can include, for example, the provision of a staff support, specialist equipment and resources or adjustments to premises.

A copy of the schools' Accessibility Plan and the DESC Accessibility strategy can be found below:

St Johns School Accessibility Plan

DESC Accessibility Strategy

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