Polli-nature Project gets underway with the Manx Wildlife Trust
in the Gallery
Our 'polli-nature project' with the Manx Wildlife Trust (MWT) got underway today with members of the Peregrine Class planting a…
Investing in Children, Investing in the Future!
At St Johns School we provide flexible, exciting and memorable learning experiences which support the development of a broad range of academic, social and personal skills.
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Our 'polli-nature project' with the Manx Wildlife Trust (MWT) got underway today with members of the Peregrine Class planting a…
Welcome to the Flamingo Class!
Congratulations to everyone elected to this year’s School Council. Elections were held during the Autumn Term and the Council h…
Members of our School Council drop off donations from St Johns School tuck shop swap at the Isle of Man Foodbank. St Johns Scho…
The children of St Johns School wearing Christmas Jumpers! The children were asked to make a donation to the NSPCC for wearing…
A big thank you to Val for baking mince pies with the Peregrine and Raven Classes.
Christmas Dinner at St Johns School
The Raven, Peregrine, Shearwater and Flamingo Classes starred in our 2024 Christmas performance, 'What Christmas Means to Me'.
Christmas just got sheep-ier, police-ier and fleece-ier! Reception and Key Stage 1 gave a fabulous performance of this modern C…