St Johns School

Investing in Children, Investing in the Future!

Are you interested in helping to raise money for the school and organising fun events for the children of St Johns Primary School?

We will meet every half term but with no commitment to attend every meeting.

Contact Kym and Vicki at if you would like to join or for more information.

Since forming we have held 4 school discos, a quiz night, an Easter egg hunt, a summer fair, a film night and a jumble sale.

Through these events we have raised over £2000.

So far, we have collaborated with Mr Callister and the School Council to donate £250 for playground equipment and we have supported the start of Peter Rabbit's Patch with £500 for equipment and supplies.

Looking to the year ahead, the school staff are keen to ensure that the children have easy access to trips out and special visitors, so we are going to work closely with Mrs Willoughby and her team to ensure that funds are being fed back into school activities.

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