St Johns School

Investing in Children, Investing in the Future!

Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher: Tracy Willoughby
Deputy Headteacher: Matthew Callister
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Sarah Lowe
School Administrator: Ann Astill

Teaching Staff

Vikki Radcliffe Robins/Reception & Year 1
Matthew Callister
Puffins/Year 2
Emma Titley Shearwater/Years 3 & Year 4
Mary Jane Douglas Peregrine/Year 5 AM & PPA Teacher
Sarah Lowe
Ravens/Year 6 (Year 5 & 6 PM)
Lauren Callow Specialist Provision Centre (SPC) /Flamingoes
Isabel Dorman Specialist Provision Centre (SPC) /Flamingoes
Education Support Staff
Jean Holden
Foundation Stage
Ellie Clague
Sophie Hanley
Sharon Jones
Fiona Moore
Alison Crompton SPC
Kelly Haynes SPC
Helen Flanders SPC
Becca Bailey SPC
Emma Atkinson SPC
Clare Shorthouse SPC
Debbie James SPC
Emily Skelly SPC
Fran French SPC
Jan Maddrell-Staines SPC
Jenny Coyle SPC
Sharon Pierce SPC
Petra & Ruby (Lunchtime assistants) SPC

Support Staff

Site Manager Sean Connolly
Cleaning Staff Bob Corrin
Kitchen Staff Christine Stewart & Donna Pritchard
Lunchtime Ancillary Support Staff Vera (Vicky) Moore and Natalie Judd

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