We have a number of peripatetic teachers who visit the school and offer lessons to pupils in various musical instruments. This opportunity is offered in Key Stage Two only and places are limited. This provision is arranged by the Music Service staff and there is a charge for these lessons, which must be paid direct to the Music Service.
Year 5 or 6 pupils wanting to learn from the peripatetic music teachers who visit your school will be given a letter/form to take home which will include the basic information e.g. that lessons take place during the school day in groups and that there is a cost implication. If a parent/carer is keen for their child to learn they should complete and sign the form and return it to school where it will be collected by the teacher when they next visit and exchanged for a more detailed information pack and formal application form.
Parents should then complete the application form and return it to the Music Centre where it will be date stamped/recorded in order of receipt. Those pupils who can’t be taken on straight away will be included on the first-come-first-served waiting list which is held and managed at the Music Centre. As soon as the teacher has free space in their timetable they will recruit from the waiting list.