Key Stage 1 Home Learning
- Read and practise words with the children regularly each week ( 5-10 minute bursts x 4 or 5 times in the week),
- Use maths practically in the home e.g. using coins to count, cooking, weighing and measuring, numbers in the environment, telling the time so that children become familiar with the positions of hands on the clock, number bonds to 10, use language of size “ bigger, smaller, lighter, heavier” etc
- Play games to support phonics ( I suggest doing it in the car or when washing up, bath time etc!) include eye spy, rhyming strings of words e.g. Cat - mat– sat – flat etc
- Enjoy books with their children – sharing books for pleasure.
Key Stage 2 Home learning
Pick 'n' Mix tasks are set in journals and/or on ItsLearning and must be completed and returned to school by the date given on the task sheet.
Each task will be linked to the learning we have been doing in class or what your child has been learning at home, and some helpful hints will be provided.
Your child can show their knowledge and understanding in any way they like, which could include:
The children are free to be imaginative and creative.
Use one or two pages and spend up to an hour in total on their work.
Parents (and other people at home) are asked to help. Please talk to your child and help them to think and plan what to do. You are encouraged to get actively involved in doing the task. When work is finished, talk to your child about what they like about their work.
After each task, the children will have time to share and reflect upon their work, adding comments about their learning.
Please encourage your child to take pride in their book and have fun with the tasks.
If you have any questions about a task or if your child will not have time to complete their home learning, please let your child's teacher know.